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科罗拉多大学 (CC) 俱乐部体育 are supervised by the 娱乐 program, 体育部内部, and offers students the ability to compete competitively in 15 different sports. 每支队伍在当地注册, 区域, or national league affiliation and while clubs are supervised by the Athletic Department, 俱乐部的日常运作由俱乐部提名的学生官员负责. 作为公认的俱乐部运动, 这些球队被授予使用赌博正规的十大网站名称的特权, 预算有限吗, 并且可以利用俱乐部活动的体育设施. Additionally, all club participants have access to a full-time certified athletic trainer. 


科罗拉多大学's 俱乐部体育 program is a competitive recreational sports program for its students, designed to meet athletic needs not met by existing intramural and intercollegiate programs. 每个扶轮社的目的和运作都是独一无二的, but all should reflect positively on both 俱乐部体育 as a program and 科罗拉多大学 as a whole.

除了校外的比赛和表演, the club sports program places a high degree of emphasis on student initiative, 组织, 领导, 决策, 团队管理. 作为一个整体, these program elements allow participants to shape their own experience to a much greater degree than any other athletic program at the college.

尽管结构, 组织, and execution of each club sport are primarily the responsibility of students, the 俱乐部体育 Program provides four main branches of support: human resources, 金融资源, 体育训练, 以及专用设施.


2023 - 24的成就

  • Women's club soccer qualified for the Region V Soccer Regional Tournament.
  • Men's club soccer qualified for the Region V Soccer Regional Tournament.
  • Men's soccer participated in the NIRSA Soccer National Championships on a open bid.
  • Mark Reiss was selected as a National Soccer All-Tournament Team Member at the NIRSA Soccer National Championships.
  • Freshman Senya Urbom was named 1st Year All American by National Collegiate Rugby.
  • Congratulations to the Nordic Skiing team members who qualified for Nationals in Lake Placid: May Lamb, 玛丽Reinbold, 伊萨克拉森, 埃米特舒曼, Felix战斗, 奥利Beland, 还有丁尼生·斯丁森.
  • 天顶, 女子极限飞盘, 击败三一大学, 13-4, 赢得中南部地区参加全国赛的资格. 
  • 六名攀岩俱乐部成员有资格参加全国赛:康纳·威尔曼, 索尼娅Guiterrez, Benn惠勒, 依奇卡尼, 挪亚惠勒, 和梅兰妮·罗伯逊.
  • Benn惠勒 and 索尼娅Guiterrez qualfied for Climbing Worlds which will be held in Slovenia, 9月9日至12日.
  • For the first time in the program's history, the baseball club clinched a bid to Regionals.
  • Sophomore Will Myers qualified as a men's category A rider for Collegiate Cycling Nationals and competed in the time trial, 公路赛, 和阿尔伯克基的凯美瑞, NM.

2022 - 2023年的成就

  • In their first season in the RMCSL "A" Division, men's soccer finished with a 1-2-4 record.
  • Men's soccer participated in the NIRSA Soccer National Championships on an open bid in Austin, TX.
  • 林肯Grench, 男人的终极, 玛丽·安德鲁斯, 女人的终极, were both invited to tryout for the U24 National Team in advance of the WFDF World U24 Championships.
  • Men's ice hockey played in the American Club Hockey Association (ACHA) Division 3 and finished with a 9-6 record placing them 53rd in the nation. 
  • 六名北欧滑雪选手获得了在加州猛犸举行的全国滑雪比赛资格. The qualifiers were Ruby Lam, May Lamb, 伊萨克拉森, 埃米特舒曼, Nicholas Hoch, and Felix战斗. 
  • Galileo Fries, a member of the equestrian team, qualified for Zones in Palo Alto, CA. 利奥获得第七名.
  • 四名攀岩俱乐部成员有资格参加全国赛:第一年, Mel Robertson; Sophomores, Conor Wellman and India Adams; and, 高级, 本·布莱克摩尔. Nationals were held in Colorado Springs at the Springs Climbing Center with the team finishing 5th in lead climbing.
  • 女子极限飞盘队, 天顶, 以8-7击败三一学院赢得地区赛,以4-0结束比赛. 这使他们有资格参加哥伦布的全国赛, OH, 他们在那里获得了非常体面的第五名.
  • The 男人的终极 frisbee team, Wasabi, won their conference tournament with a 3-0 record. 这使他们有资格参加塔尔萨地区的比赛, OK, 他们最终获得了第一名,从而获得了参加全国赛的资格. 在国民, they defeated Middlebury in the championship game 15-11 and earned their first-ever National Championship! 

2021 - 2022年的成就

  • Men's Soccer finished undefeated and earned the #1 rank in the RMCSL, B Division. 他们将在2022-23赛季升入甲级联赛.  
  • Men's Soccer attended the NIRSA Soccer National Championships on an open bid in Foley, AL.
  • Both Men's and Women's Ultimate frisbee competed in their respective Regional Tournaments. 男子在OK的塔尔萨比赛,女子在德克萨斯州的奥斯汀比赛.
  • 男子终极获得了在加州诺科举行的全国赛资格.
  • 芥末成员, 林肯Grench, was named 2nd Runner Up for Breakout Player of the Year and earned 2nd Team All American honors.
  • Four members of the club nordic team qualified for Nationals in Lake Placid, NY., Nicholas Hoch, May Lamb, Ruby Lamb和伊萨克拉森. 
  • Men's Ultimate played to a #1 区域 finish which earned them a spot at Nationals in Milwaukee, WI.
  • 攀岩俱乐部的四名成员有资格参加全国比赛(诺亚·惠勒), 本·布莱克摩尔, 曼尼Kahne, 和康纳·威尔曼). Noah and Ben podiumed and were subsequently invited to the World University Championship Sport Climbing in Austria in June, 2022. 本在世锦赛上获得了第11名!

2018 - 2019年的成就

  • Equestrian's Anna Lang competed at Nationals at the New York State Fairgrounds.
  • Women's Rugby (Cutthroat) finished 14th at National Small College Rugby Organization's (NSCRO) Nationals in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Both Men's and Women's Ultimate frisbee competed in the Regional tournament in Tulsa, OK.
  • Men's Soccer, in their inaugural season, attended Nationals with an Open bid in Foley, Alabama.
  • 北欧滑雪有4个人获得了全国赛的参赛资格. For the first time in their history, they attended which was a tough feat to do on the Block Plan. They took 6 members (2 non-qualifying members were needed for the relay) to Nationals in Jackson Hole, WY.
  • In Climbing's inaugural season, they had seven members qualify for Nationals in Nashville, TN. 给出席的五个人, 在女子运动攀岩比赛中,林·金特里在106名选手中排名第四, 克莱尔·布雷斯南在女子抱石比赛中获得了155名中的第14名, 扎卡里·利维在男子抱石比赛中获得了222名中的第32名, 艾米丽·巴尔加在女子抱石比赛中获得了155名中的第55名, Adriana Aboitiz在女子抱石比赛中获得第69名. 这支队伍在94支队伍中排名第18位.

2017 - 2018年的成就

  • The program recognized Climbing and Men's Soccer as new clubs within the program.
  • 海莉贝茨代表CC在米苏拉山地自行车全国赛, Mt, 以及在大枢纽举行的公路自行车全国赛, CO.
  • 北欧滑雪队有五个人获得了全国赛的参赛资格.
  • 女子橄榄球参加了在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡举行的NSCRO全国赛. 女子橄榄球队员诺拉·霍姆斯(Nora Holmes)被评为全美橄榄球协会(NSCRO)全美最佳球员.
  • 攀爬派了七名代表参加在德克萨斯州休斯顿举行的全国赛.
  • In response to a student-written letter to the President of the college asking for more recognition for the program, 奥特里菲尔德重新浮出水面.

2016 - 2017年的成就

  • The program introduced a designated 俱乐部体育 Athletic Trainer to the staff.
  • Cycling had two qualifiers for Road Nationals hosted in Grand Junction, CO. 海莉·贝茨以第五名的成绩登上领奖台的地方.
  • 北欧滑雪队有四个人获得了全国赛的参赛资格.
  • 女子橄榄球在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的NSCRO国民队获得第四名.
  • Men's Ultimate Frisbee attended the National Tournament in Lexington, KY.
  • 女子终极在中南部地区获得第三名.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/29/2024



校园娱乐总监 & 健身中心

